Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oh, to be 6!

Have you ever known anyone who can change drastically from one minute to the next? Let me share with you what I was blessed to experience this afternoon. The kids went with me to do a Senior Portrait Session at Potter's Bridge Park, and thankfully this roller-coaster of a cute curly headed boy attacked after it was finished!

Here's Payton at 3:15 pm

Here's another one of him at 3:15 pm

Here's Payton at 3:16 pm

Why the big smile all of a sudden, you ask? Well, I explained to him that someday he would be graduating from High School, and I'd be sure to show all of the girls his sad, crying, fit throwing pictures at his graduation party! Worked like a charm -- instantly! Isn't it such an asset to be able to turn those fits and tears 'on' and 'off' in an instant? Oh, to be 6....!

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