Sunday, February 28, 2010

11-0.... What a Season!

Payton's team went all the way through the season.... undefeated! They had such a good time and I know we sure enjoyed watching them play! Congratulations, Gators! It was a fun weekend. Aunt Moe even came up to watch Payton play!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Basketball is officially over for Riley's team, Bummer!

The girls ended their season with a loss tonight in the tournament. They sure played a hard game. You can definitely see the improvement each player has made since the first night of practice! It was a lot of fun watching them. I hope they had 1/2 as much fun on the court as their parents had watching from the bleachers! Great Season, Sky! After the game, the team and their families were invited to a spaghetti dinner at Wolfies (they were the team sponsor this year). Everything was wonderful! We had never been there before, and were really impressed with how nice/neat it was inside. Thank you, Wolfies!

All By Herself

I just had to take a few pictures of Riley giving herself a shot. We are so proud of her. In just one week, she has completely mastered her insulin shots. Now, she's doing them in her legs and stomach, without any help at all: no pinching, no pushing, no nothing. What a trooper!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A little photo "catch-up"

These pictures were taken early last summer. They are some of my favorite ones because they were taken down at my family's barn. These will be pictures that I will always treasure not only because of the subjects, but because it' s where I grew up.

She's growing up right before our eyes!

Riley has definitely taken a huge leap in the direction of growing up and responsibility! Over the last week she has begun to work on giving herself her own insulin shots and on Wednesday, February 17, 2010, she did it all by herself! I only helped pinch the skin and watched as she did the rest! We are so proud of her! This is a HUGE step for her, one that she was concerned about and feared since her 7/1/09 diagnosis.

Go Gators!

Payton's basketball team, The Florida Gators, are heading into the tournament next weekend undefeated. It sure has been an exciting season for him and all of his teammates!

Payton is counting down until March 19th!

Well, for any of you with kids who love the books Diary of a Wimpy Kid, March 19th will a significant meaning in your home. The movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid comes to life on that day. Check out the preview here.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Do the Urkel!

You gotta love good old family TV shows! We love to catch re-runs of The Cosby Show, Full House, Seventh Heaven, and Family Matters. I bet you can't guess which one Payton likes to watch, can you?????

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Yesterday was Valentine's Day, and let me just say that we all had a great Valentine's weekend together! Jon was off and we literally just hung around the house... together... the 4 of us... it was nice. We cleaned, cooked, cleaned some more, folded laundry, and watched movies. We watched a little of a PBS special on "Victor Borge: 100 years of music." It was really funny. One part that the kids watched with us was his skit on Phonetic Punctuation... it was a hoot! The best part was the way Riley came downstairs on Valentine's morning and said, "Happy Valentine's Day, whoosh pop!" You'd have to look up the piece by Victor Borge to understand the comedy in this! Here, I've helped you, just click HERE to watch it on I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines Day weekend!

Riley and I made her Valentine cards for school. She worked really hard on them! We were so pleased with the way they turned out.

Since Payton had 'store bought' Valentine cards, I decided to "spruce" up his snack that he was taking for his basketball game on Saturday. I really am starting to think that I have some sort of 'creativity disease'!!!!! Aren't these just the cutest granola bars you've ever seen?

Monday, February 15, 2010

More Snow Fun

Last weekend when we were having "snow" much fun, our neighbors came over on their snowmobile and added to the excitement.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Payton LOVES his Legos!

Legos, Legos, Legos... That is what Payton is truly loving these days! He got a new HUGE set for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa T. and Uncle Joe and he is in LOVE! He also just very recently saw a commercial for a new Lego set that is coming out... Toy Story! He was very happy to request a few of those for his birthday. Another fun Payton and Lego fact: he wants to have 4 arms and be able to put Legos together like the little friendly alien in the movie "Aliens in the Attic"!!!!!

We are loving iChat!

I'm sure most of the world has experienced the greatness of webcams and live video chats before, but for us, last night was our first time! Jon's brother Jim just got a new iMac computer (go Apple!) and we figured out how to speak using the video feature in iChat! This was tons of fun! Jon, Payton and I had a blast (Riley was playing at the neighbors house) and can't wait for the kids to use it and talk to their kids.... speaking with and seeing cousins 2 states away... for free.... and live/real time! How cool is this???

This is a picture of our first "chat" and I just had to take a picture of it! You can see Jon and I in the bottom right hand corner of the screen and of course Jim in the larger box.