Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Insulin Pump: Day +8

On August 2, Riley had her pump start appointment.  Everything was running smoothing (or pumping smoothing, I should say).  We even managed to make it through our first infusion set change on Thursday. Then came Sunday, another infusion set change.  We thought everything was going great until lunchtime on Monday when her numbers were on the up and up at almost 500! (For those who don't know what your numbers should be, her Dr. has her target range set for between 100 and 120, so nearly 500 is pretty high!  Panic set in as she tested for ketones and showed positive for moderate to large ketones present.... hmmm.  Thankfully this is all happening before the doctor's office went on their lunch break, so after a quick phone call I had a plan of "action."   Once I was able to give her a quick injection with insulin to correct the high numbers, I then went to change her infusion set.  Ahhh ha!  Found the culprit as to why her BG numbers were sky rocketing... the cannula wasn't in the skin at all, just laying flat against it.  No wonder she said it didn't really hurt when we changed her infusion set!  After a new set was in place, BG numbers were dropping, and ketone levels were coming down she felt horrible.  She said she felt like she didn't have any energy at all.  Poor thing!  Crazy stuff, this roller coaster ride of diabetes... let me just tell you!  Oh, and of course, after all of that wouldn't you know that her numbers were in the 60's at dinner????   She's a trooper though!  We love you, Riley!

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