Yesterday was Valentine's Day, and let me just say that we all had a great Valentine's weekend together! Jon was off and we literally just hung around the house... together... the 4 of us... it was nice. We cleaned, cooked, cleaned some more, folded laundry, and watched movies. We watched a little of a PBS special on "Victor Borge: 100 years of music." It was really funny. One part that the kids watched with us was his skit on Phonetic Punctuation... it was a hoot! The best part was the way Riley came downstairs on Valentine's morning and said, "Happy Valentine's Day, whoosh pop!" You'd have to look up the piece by Victor Borge to understand the comedy in this! Here, I've helped you, just click HERE to watch it on I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines Day weekend!
Riley and I made her Valentine cards for school. She worked really hard on them! We were so pleased with the way they turned out.

Since Payton had 'store bought' Valentine cards, I decided to "spruce" up his snack that he was taking for his basketball game on Saturday. I really am starting to think that I have some sort of 'creativity disease'!!!!! Aren't these just the cutest granola bars you've ever seen?
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