The kids have had friends come over to play and spend the night, we've cooked out with great neighbors and enjoyed their hot tub (Thanks, Heather and Karl!), watched a few good movies (I highly recommend Bedtime Stories), cleaned out our entire garage, kept our downstairs from flooding (That was actually God's doings, but we were there to watch the water while it was getting pumped out!), and now for the highlight...
The kids and I went to the..... Dentist! Yay! Surprisingly, Riley and Payton were very excited to go there, strange as it sounds I'd rather have them excited than crying and throwing a fit. There were a few unexpected outcomes from our appointments today, though. First, they used this new fluoride treatment on us and all I can say is yuck! It really looked like rubber cement and they painted it on with a tiny paintbrush. It's really thick and sticky. You can eat or drink immediately after they apply it, but you cannot brush it off for at least 6 hours. Let me just say it was a really long 6 hours for Riley and I. Payton didn't seem to mind it that much, but then I realized that he doesn't have his front teeth, therefore his lip wasn't continually getting stuck to them! The ladies at the Dentist's office like to watch people as they leave after having the fluoride treatment, they said that everyone leaves with "llama lips" and if you've ever seen a llama and watched them eat, you'd understand.
Check out this Llama and his lovely lips!
Okay... back to our adventures. After we left the Dentist's office we literally were going insane with this sticky stuff on our teeth and wanted something different to possibly get the taste out of our mouths. So, we opted for Sundaes from McD's. You can't beat a sundae with hot fudge and caramel for only $1. The ever-so-kind lady at the counter informed us that the chocolate dipped cones 'returned' today (I didn't even know they had ever had them, and that led me to wonder where they had been???) so of course the kids wanted those. I can remember being little and chocolate dipped cones were always on my mom's list of 'those are too messy, you can't have it in the car' snacks.... so since we had the time to eat inside, I let them splurge and each have one... Riley and Payton are proving my mom to be very smart! I can't imagine them ever eating one of these cones in a car! Here's why.... Warning: It's pretty scary! All of this happened literally in under 4 minutes!
Note: Pictures were taken from my cell phone... gotta love the technology these days!

As you can see, Riley wasn't as happy as Payton. The second unexpected outcome from our trip to the Dentist is that Riley has to have a consultation with an Orthodontist. So, we've made that appointment for our spring break week as well. We are just adding to our list of adventures!
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