And a RIGHT one!

Payton has been wiggling and wiggling his left front tooth for awhile now, and finally tonight he was able to pull it out! Here are a few pictures immediately after it came out, and I do mean immediately because they are a little 'red'. Now that Mr. Left Tooth is no longer there to hold everything in place, Mr. Right Tooth is on it's way out as well! It should be joining it's friend here in just a few minutes. Isn't it crazy that when 1 comes out, others can become so loose? The best part is that big sis, Riley lost both of her front ones on the same day: One at school in the morning and then the other one before she went to bed that night. Payton says that he is the winner because his will literally be within minutes of each other! Man, doesn't the competitive bone become strong kind of early these days?
***Edited to add that the right front tooth came out exactly 28 minutes after the left one... maybe they were a team... kind of like 'salt and pepper'?
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