Some want to live in the country to be alone... Some want to live in big subdivisions with close neighbors... We are BLESSED to live in the country and have the Best of Both Worlds! Last night we were tested with a "neighborhood watch" issue, and it was amazing to watch how fast we can all get in touch with each other and to know that we are all watching out for someone other than ourselves! I don't think I spoke with one person who didn't include the sentence "Don't hesitate to call us if you need anything" in our conversation. How awesome is that, considering these factors: we've only been here for 6 months and it is the year 2009 and it seems more and more that people just want to help themselves. Let me just tell you that the last factor isn't true when you are talking about our little country corner of Hamilton County!
Jon was teaching firearms this morning at the Academy and received a phone call from one of our Great Neighbors, Dale. He was asking if it would be okay if he plowed our driveway! Isn't that awesome?! Thank you, Dale for your kindness! Over the last 24 hours, we have received significant amounts of snowfall (somewhere between 10-12 inches) and our driveway was completely buried, so we were very appreciative of Dale's act of kindness this morning.
You know, it may sound silly to some, but I am so thankful. When you sit down and watch the news at night, it seems that there isn't very much 'good' happening anymore. I'm happy to announce that God had proved to me that there still is 'good' around us, and today it was shown with the random kindness and caring of our neighbors!
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