Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bed Time Trend

There's a trend in our bed time routine here at the Tindal house... can you find what it is in these pictures? It's white, hairy, and has 4 legs!

New School Backpacks!

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa T for the new backpacks! We went shopping today and were able to find them and Payton a pair of shoes. Riley is waiting until she can find the 'Mary Jane' style Crocs in her size. Notice the orange in Payton's backpack and shoes???? He loves being a Husky!

Riley's book case

We wanted to change the paint color of Riley's book case because the maroon didn't look so hot with her purple and green.... so with a little help of my cricut and stamping supplies this is what we came up with!

These are just a few random pictures of some of the fun things around our new house...

I had Thursday and Friday off this past week so I could get a few (thousand) things finished before starting my new job. This turned out great because Aunt Kaye and Uncle Bob brought Grandma Bessie up to see us and the new house. She was pretty exhausted by the time the got here from riding in the car, let's be honest... she was exhausted before they even left her house, but she won't admit it! I know it was hard on her to travel, but we are sure glad that she made the trip. The kids had fun playing games with her. They taught her how to play "UNO" which she emphatically kept pronouncing as "you know". This drove Payton crazy! He tried to tell her it was like "uno, dos, tres... uno means one" this made me giggle inside because as we all know, she loves a good argument and Payton sure knows how to stand his ground! By the last round she was still saying it like 'you know' and he would just smile at me and roll his eyes, the best part is that she would smile back at him as if she were just doing it to drive him up the wall! It was a fun afternoon and I'm sure it's one that Payton will look back on and smile about for many years! I'm already picturing the scrapbook page about this one.... :)

So many changes, how can we keep up?

This has been the "Summer of Change" as I like to call it (sounds like a good book title doesn't it?). Having a new house means new schools. New schools means new friends, new sports leagues, new school colors (orange, white, and brown) and mascot (Huskies), and for me it means a new job. The 6th was my last day at Pebble Brook and I am now making the move from preschoolers to helping in a third grade classroom. I will be a one-on-one instructional assistant through the Special Education Department and I have been assigned a wonderful girl for this school year. I had the opportunity to meet with her and her family about a week ago and it was great! She was in an accident about 2 1/2 yrs ago and suffered a traumatic brain injury. She is just the sweetest thing! So, this will put me on the exact same schedule as our two kiddos! How awesome is that? As was discussed in Church this morning by Pastor Brock, this is completely a "gift from God!" I am so excited to get away from my 7am-6pm, 4 day a week preschool position! I will admit that I honestly already miss those beautiful little 3 and 4 yr olds!

So, summer is officially over... I start tomorrow and the kids go on Tuesday. That's pretty sad, but exciting all at the same time! They are excited to start their new schools. Payton will be at the Primary School (K-2nd) and Riley and I at the Elementary School (3rd-5th). I'll be posting a few new pictures soon!